泄露军事设施秘密或者为境外 泄露军事设施秘密或者为境外犯罪

2023-05-12 09:36:01  [来源:]    


泄露军事设施秘密或者为境外 泄露军事设施秘密或者为境外犯罪泄露军事设施秘密或者为境外 泄露军事设施秘密或者为境外犯罪

1、(一)破坏军事设施的;(1) Damaging military installations;(二)盗窃、抢夺、抢劫军事设施的装备、物资、器材的;(2) Stealing, seizing or robbing equipment, goods or materials of military installations;(三)泄露军事设施秘密的,或者为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供军事设施秘密的。

2、(3) Divulging the secrets of military installations, or stealing, spying on, buying or illegally providing secrets on military installations for agencies, organizations or individuals abroad.第三十二条 有下列行为之一的,比照治安管理处罚条例第十九条的规定处罚:Article 32 Any person who commits any of the following acts shall be punished in the light of the stipulations of Article 19 of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security:(一)非法进入军事禁区,不听制止的;(1) Illegally entering the military restricted zone and refusing to be stopped;(二)在军事禁区外围安全控制范围内,或者在没有划入军事禁区、军事管理区的军事设施一定距离内,进行危害军事设施安全和使用效能的活动。

3、不听制止的;(2) Engaging in activities that endanger the security and effective utilization of military installations in the security control area surrounding the military restricted zone or within a certain distance of the military installations not included in the military restricted zone or the military administrative zone, and refusing to be stopped;。


